Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Integrated Pest & Crop Management


Mandy D. Bish
University of Missouri
Plant Science & Technology
(573) 882-9878

Mizzou IPM Updates as we head into the 2022 season

Mandy D. Bish
University of Missouri
(573) 882-9878

February 28, 2022

minute read

Dear subscribers,

Tomorrow your e-mail notification and the newsletter will look a little different. Mizzou Crop & Pest News will replace the IPCM newsletter. We will launch a series of articles during early March that cover traditional topics and a few new topics. If you have concerns or questions, please reach out.

Finally, I took on the MU Integrated Pest Management (IPM) coordinator role in January and will manage the newsletter.

Mandy Bish next to Truman

As an undergrad, Mandy used to camp out for tickets to the Bragging Rights basketball game and is still an avid Mizzou Tiger fan.

A little background: I am an MU extension specialist and have worked with State Extension Weed Scientist Kevin Bradley in the weed science program since 2014. I grew up on a row crop and beef cattle operation in central Missouri, graduated from MU in the Division of Plant Sciences, spent a decade on the east coast to continue my education, and am happy to be home at Mizzou.

Again, if you have concerns or questions about the newsletter or Missouri IPM efforts, please let me know. And, if you like the newsletter updates, please share.

Mandy Kendrick Bish, IPM Coordinator

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E-mail: IPM@missouri.edu

REVISED: March 1, 2022