Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Patrick E. Guinan
University of Missouri
School of Natural Resources
(573) 882-5908

Missouri Weather Update: A new month, but similar story

Patrick E. Guinan
University of Missouri
(573) 882-5908

April 27, 2022

minute read

May is our wettest month of the year, climatologically. And, it looks like most areas of the state will start out with above average precipitation (Figure 1), which is not ideal given our typical May rains.

map of united states with colored organic circles

Figure 1 Outlook on precipitation for the week of May 2-6, 2022. Source: National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center

A new system is expected to roll into western Missouri late tonight and move east through Friday and Saturday. This will bring periods of showers and storms; cloudy skies; and lows in the mid-50's statewide. Total precipitation through Monday is forecasted to be between 0.5 and 2 inches across the state.

map of Missouri counties all colored green

Figure 2 2 inch Bare soil temperatures at 9:20 AM on April 27. To see real-time soil temperatures visit mesonet.missouri.edu/realTime/maps/. Source: mesonet.missouri.edu

Meanwhile, soil temperatures have rebounded nicely with 2 inch bare soil temperatures ranging from 48 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit this morning (Figure 2) and are on-par with the 22-year average soil temperatures. Air temperatures through May 6, seem to be nearly average to just above average for most of the state (Figure 3).

two maps of United States with different colored contours

Figure 2 Outlook on air temperature and precipitation for the period April 25-29, 2022. Source: National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center

For real-time Missouri weather information, please visit mesonet.missouri.edu.

Header image of color umbrella in the sky is courtesy of Sergey Nivens via Shutterstock.

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REVISED: April 27, 2022