Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
Photo credit: Kyle Spradley
The need to abide by spring's timetable and produce food for the table doesn't wait for crisis to pass. Continued field crop, forage, and animal production are essential not only for the nutrients they provide, but also for the economic, mental and spiritual health they return to us and our communities. During this crisis, MU Extension is dedicated to continuing its service through the safety directives of social distancing and stay at home orders.
To bridge the distance divide of our regular in-person activities such as site visits, plant diagnostic lab submissions, seminars, field days and demonstrations, two weekly "Town Hall" meetings, focused on Missouri production agriculture, are held using the Zoom remote conferencing platform. The first meeting, Thursdays from 12-1pm, focuses on Forage/Livestock Production. A second meeting follows on Fridays from 7-8am and focuses on Field Crops. MU regional and state specialists present the most current information, while more importantly conducting a Question & Answer session regarding seeding and growing practices, fertility & pest management, and operating safely in this COVID-19 environment.
Register for the weekly conference at https://ipm.missouri.edu/TownHalls, by providing your name, county, email address, and question (optional). You will be emailed directions on how to attend, either through a url linking to the Zoom platform, or with a call-in phone number. Questions should be submitted beforehand either during registration or in an email sent to the regional extension specialist/county office, or while in the meeting via the Zoom chat interface. While grounded to the basement or wherever our home office may be, we hope to still help in keeping your farm operations running successfully during these difficult times.
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REVISED: April 19, 2020