Increased Protection for Endangered Species
The US EPA implemented a new policy on January 11, 2022. Prior to registering any new conventional active ingredient (AI), the US EPA will evaluate potential effects of the AI on federally threatened or endangered species and their designated critical habitats. In the past, ESA analysis was not required for all applications of new AI's.
Over 1,300 species are listed as either endangered or threatened in the US under the Endangered Species Act. If EPA determines that jeopardy or adverse modification of a listed species is likely, registrants will be required to implement mitigation measures in an attempt to prevent these impacts.
Mitigation examples may include measures intended to reduce drift or runoff, restrict the geographic or linear scope of pesticide applications, and reduce maximum application rates or number of applications allowed on a treated site.
A recent example of ESA-related changes is EPA's 2022 Enlist products registration renewals, which established new protective measures to reduce pesticide runoff. One of these measures involves the producer choosing from a set of mitigation practices to reach a specified score, which is based on soil type. Mitigation options include:
- Reduced number of applications
- Residue tillage management
- Vegetative filter strips
- Field border
- Cover crop
- Vegetative barrier
- Contour buffer strips or terrace
- Grassed waterway
- Water and sediment basin
- Contour farming or contour strip farming
Applicators can likely expect similar requirements with other product registrations in the future. Contact your MU Extension agronomist for assistance with understanding these new requirements.
Chlorpyrifos residue tolerances on food expired on Feb. 28, 2022. Going forward, applications of chlorpyrifos products will render any food treated as adulterated and ineligible to be distributed in interstate commerce.
Standalone chlorpyrifos products include Govern, Hatchet, Vulcan, Warhawk, Whirlwind and Yuma. Premixes containing chlorpyrifos include Bolton, Cobalt Advanced, Match-Up, and Stallion. These types of actions make integrated pest management increasingly important.
Chlorpyrifos has had a history of regulatory actions since its introduction in 1965. Currently, ground equipment can be used to apply chlorpyrifos to non-food products.
Waste Pesticide Collection Events in 2022
Chlorpyrifos expiration is a good reminder that proper storage and disposal can save you time, money, space, and liability. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has scheduled six free waste pesticide collection events in 2022. All the events will be open from 8 a.m. to noon and are open to all Missouri farmers and households.
- March 12 - Fisher Delta Research, Extension and Education Center, 147 W. State Highway T, Portageville
- March 26 - Appleton City Municipal Services (City Barn), 110 S. Maple St., Appleton City
- April 9 - MFA Agri Services - 6927 Highway 100, Washington
- May 21 - MFA Agri Services - 1363 Sainte Genevieve Ave., Farmington
- June 11 - Litton Ag Center, 10808 Liv 235, Chillicothe
- Aug. 13 - MoDOT Maintenance Facility, 1031 Jefferson St., Versailles
What is accepted?
- Herbicides
- Insecticides
- Fungicides
- Rodenticides
- De-wormers
- Fly tags
- Fertilizers containing pesticide
Additional information about these events and the Missouri Pesticide Collection Program is available online at
Opening article teaser image of a Missouri soybean producer applying pesticide is courtesy of sam22kendrick via Instagram.