Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Sam Polly
University of Missouri
Plant Science & Technology

Training for pesticide applicators begins in January 2024

Sam Polly
University of Missouri

November 13,2023

minute read

University of Missouri Extension offers training for commercial pesticide applicators during eight days in January, with a follow-up day in February and in March 2024.

Completion of the virtual training classes recertifies licensed commercial pesticide applicators for three years. These classes are also useful as a review for those who wish to become certified, prior to studying the manuals and taking the certification exams.

MU Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program coordinator Sam Polly recommends that applicators look at their license to determine if they need to recertify this year. Three years pass quickly and checking now can avoid the frustration of retaking the exams prior to spray season.

Participants register for the one-day training which includes the CORE and category-specific training centered around the participant's main area of work with pesticides.

The class runs 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and requires that a participant have a computer and a valid email address. No certification classes are offered this year. Certification classes were merely review, but the exams have always been required to become licensed.

Keep in mind that Missouri's new pesticide licensing rules and program are scheduled to take effect January 1, 2025. While anyone wishing to apply pesticides with aerial equipment or soil fumigation methods will need the new categories on their license at that time, this year is a good time to recertify even if your license does not expire. This will allow you to recertify for the next three years under the current program.

Dates and topics are as follows:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 9: General structure, termite, fumigation, wood products
  • Wednesday, Jan. 10: Ag plant, ag animal, seed treatment
  • Thursday, Jan. 11: Forest, aquatic and public health
  • Wednesday, Jan. 17: Ornamental turf, right of way and forest
  • Thursday, Jan. 18: Ag plant, general structure, termite and wood products
  • Tuesday, Jan. 23: Ag plant, ornamental/turf, aquatic, right of way
  • Wednesday, Jan. 24: General structure, termite, fumigation and public health
  • Thursday, Jan. 25: Ag animal, ornamental/turf, seed treatment, right of way
  • Wednesday, Feb. 13: Ag plant, ornamental/turf, right of way, general structure and termite
  • Thursday, March 14: Ag plant, ornamental/turf, right of way, general structure and termite

Register at https://cvent.me/aYP82q.

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REVISED: November 13, 2023