Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Integrated Pest & Crop Management


Wayne C. Bailey
University of Missouri
Plant Science & Technology
(573) 882-2838

Some Early Planted Soybean Fields Sprayed For Bean Leaf Beetle Control

Wayne C. Bailey
University of Missouri
(573) 882-2838

Published: May 30, 2008

High numbers of bean leaf beetle adults have required insecticide applications to reduce numbers below economic threshold levels in some early planted soybean fields. Adult bean leaf beetles migrating from overwintering sites to early planted soybean fields have resulted in heavy leaf feeding and some plant mortality. In many areas wet weather has limited soybean planting and accumulated high numbers of beetles in seedling soybean fields that are available. The bean leaf beetle produces two generation annually in Missouri with larvae feeding on soybean roots. The economic threshold for bean leaf beetle adult feeding on seedling soybean is 5 or more beetles present per row foot or 1 or more plants destroyed per row foot. In most years control of beetles causing early season defoliation of soybean seedling is not needed. However the limited number of soybean available early season has forced high numbers of beetles into fields with seedling soybeans. Economic damage from bean leaf beetle is more common later in the season when beetles of the second generation feed on soybean pods.

Recommended Insecticides for Bean Leaf Beetles in Soybean
Chemical name Common name Rate of Formulated Material
Esfenvalerate *Asana XL 5.8 to 9.6 fl oz/acre
Beta-cyfluthrin *Baythroid XL 1.0 to1.6 fl oz/acre
Cholorpyrifos plus
*Cobalt 19 to 38 fl oz/acre
Dimethoate Dimethoate see specific label
Chlorpyrifos 4E *Lorsban 4E
*numerous products
1 to 2 pts/acre
see specific labels
Thiodicarb *Larvin 3.2 EC see specific label
Zeta-cypermethrin *Mustang Max 2.8 to 4.0 fl oz/acre
Encapsualted Methyl Parathion *Penncap-M 2 to 3 pts/acre
Permethrin *numerous products see specific label
Gamma-cyhalothrin *Proaxis 1.92 to 3.2 fl oz/acre
Acephate Orthene see specific label
Carbaryl Sevin 4F 1 to 2 pts/acre
Carbaryl Sevin XLR Plus 1 to 2 pts/acre
Lambda-cyhalothrin *Warrior 1.92 to 3.2 fl oz/acre
Lambda-cyhalothrin *Numerous products see speciic labels
Read and follow all label direction, precautions, and restrictions.
* Designated a restricted use product.

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REVISED: February 14, 2012