Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
Callisto Xtra is a new premix from Syngenta that contains Callisto (mesotrione) + atrazine and is labeled for postemergence application at 20 to 24 ounces per acre in field, seed, silage, sweet corn and also in yellow popcorn. The 20 ounce rate of Callisto Extra contain 2 ½ ounces of Callisto and ½ lb of atrazine.
Capreno is a new premix from Bayer CropSciences that contains Laudis (tembotrione) plus thiencarbazone, a new ALS-inhibiting herbicide. Capreno is labeled for postemergence use in corn at 3 ounces per acre and should provide bradspectrum control of a variety of grass and broadleaf weeds.
Corvus is a new prepackaged herbicide mixture from Bayer CropSciences that contains the Balance Flexx product plus thiencarbazone, a new ALS-inhibiting herbicide. Corvus is designed to be a one-pass preemergence herbicide that can be applied from burndown up to the V2 growth stage in corn. Corvus can be applied at rates ranging from 3 2/3 to 5 2/3 fluid ounces per acre depending on soil type. Corvus should provide good control of a variety of annual grass and broadleaf weeds like giant foxtail, common ragweed, lambsquarters, nightshade, and waterhemp. Tank-mixing this product with atrazine will increase control of tougher weeds like cocklebur, giant ragweed, and morning glory.
Integrity is a new premix from BASF that contains Sharpen (saflufenacil) and Outlook (dimethenamid-P). Integrity is labeled for preemergence use in field corn, silage, and popcorn at 10 to 16 ounces per acre depending on soil type. Integrity will provide a relatively broad spectrum f grass and broadleaf weed control but at these rates is designed as a set-up for a planned 2-pass program containing a postemergence herbicide application.
Flexstar GT is a new prepackaged mixture from Syngenta that contains fomesafen (Flexstar) and glyphosate. Flexstar GT is expected to receive a label for use in soybeans by the 2009 growing season. Flexstar GT will be formulated as a 3.29 SL and contains 2.63 pounds of glyphosate acid and 0.66 pounds of fomesafen per gallon of product. Flexstar GT will be labeled at rates ranging from 3 to 3.75 pints per acre in Missouri. At the 3 pint per acre rate, Flexstar GT will deliver 1 pound of glyphosate acid per acre and ¼ lb. fomesafen. This product is intended to provide postemergence control of glyphosate-resistant weeds in soybean like waterhemp.
OpTill is a new prepackaged mixture from BASF that contains saflufenacil (Sharpen) and imazethapyr (Pursuit). OpTill is labeled for preplant to preemergence applications in soybean at 2 unces per acre and is also recommended to be applied in combination with methylated seed oil and ammonium sulfate.
Prefix now has a postemergence label for use in soybeans. Prefix may be applied at 2 to 2 1/3 pints per acre from cracking up to the third trifoliate stage in soybean. Prefix will provide very little control of emerged weeds but will provide residual control of a variety of weeds that may emerge throughout the season like waterhemp. In Roundup Ready soybean, Prefix can be tank-mixed with a glyphosate product to control weeds that are present at the time of the application. Crop oil concentrate should not be added as a spray adjuvant as this will increase the likelihood of crop injury.
Sharpen (saflufenacil) is a new product from BASF labeled for early preplant to preemergence application in soybeans. Sharpen is a 2.85 lb ai/gal product and is labeled for use at 1 fluid ounce per acre in combination with methylated seed oil and ammonium sulfate. Sharpen is a PPO-inhibitor that has activity on broadleaves only and will primarily be utilized in burndown situations with glyphosate. Sharpen has good foliar activity on horseweed, and will be a good partner with glyphosate for the control of glyphosate-resistant horseweed biotypes. There is no preplant interval for Sharpen applications prior to soybean planting, so if you have a need for a 2,4-D replacement in your burndown, Sharpen would be a good fit.
Tackle is a new prepackaged herbicide mixture from Cheminova that contains Pursuit (imazethapyr) plus glyphosate. Tackle is recommended for use at 32 ounces per acre and can be applied in either preemergence or postemergence in Roundup Ready soybeans.
Chaparral is a new herbicide from Dow AgroSciences that had a limited launch in Missouri in 2009. Chaparral is a prepackaged mix of Milestone(aminopyralid) plus metsulfuron (Cimarron, Ally, Escort, others). Chaparral will be a 61.95% extruded granule product that contains 85% aminopyralid and 15% metsulfuron. The maximum rate of Chaparral will be 3.3 ounces of product per acre but it is unlikely that this rate will be suitable for most applications in Missouri as this rate provides the equivalent of 7 fluid ounces of Milestone per acre and 0.5 ounces of Cimarron per acre. This rate of Cimarron can cause significant injury to fescue, especially when applied in the spring. For general weed control, Chaparral will be labeled at 2 to 2.5 ounces per acre.
For more information on all of these products, visit our website http://weedscience.missouri.edu/ and click on the "Field Research Results" tab.
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REVISED: February 29, 2012