Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
For the second year MU Soil Testing Lab and I will be teaming together to run the Missouri Corn Stalk Nitrate Challenge. We will analyze up to 10 samples at the MU lab from any Missouri farm at no cost if you submit the requested information when you submit samples. Typical analysis cost for the test is $12 per sample.
The Stalk Nitrate Test is a powerful tool to assess how well you managed nitrogen in your corn crop this year. Research from Iowa and other states has calibrated nitrate concentration in the corn stalk with the nitrogen status of the harvested corn crop. Nitrate concentrations above 2000 parts per million are indicative of a crop that had excess nitrogen; nitrate concentrations below 700 parts per million are indicative of plants that had marginal nitrogen supply (250-700 parts per million) or were clearly nitrogen deficient (<250 parts per million).
Send samples to: Attention Stalk Nitrate Test Challenge, 23 Mumford Hall, University of Missouri Soil Testing Lab, Columbia, MO 65211 or MU Delta Regional Soil Testing Lab, 147 State Hwy T, Portageville. MO 63873.
Visit the Corn Stalk Nitrate Challenge website at http://nmplanner.missouri.edu/tools/Stalk_Nitrate_Challenge.asp for more information and to download more copies of the reporting form.
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REVISED: April 6, 2012