Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Integrated Pest & Crop Management


Laura Sweets
University of Missouri
Plant Science & Technology
(573) 884-7307

Fusarium Head Blight or Scab of Wheat

Laura Sweets
University of Missouri
(573) 884-7307

Published: May 3, 2011

Fusarium head blight or scab of wheat develops on plants in the flowering to early grain fill stages of growth. Winter wheat in south Missouri is beginning to flower or is the early stages of flowering. The winter wheat in much of the rest of the state ranges from vegetative stages of growth to flag leafs emerging to just beginning to head. So the time for possible infection by the Fusarium head blight fungus is at hand. Infection is very dependent on environmental conditions while wheat is in susceptible stages of growth, i.e. flowering. Moderate temperatures in the range of 77-86°F, frequent rain, overcast days, high humidity and prolonged dews favor infection and development of scab. Weather conditions over the next several weeks will determine the extent and severity of scab in this year's wheat crop. Fusarium head blight or scab problems will be more severe if rains coincide with flowering of wheat fields. After a warm, dry first half of April, many parts of the state have been cooler and wetter since April 15. If the rain continues as the crop moves through the flowering stages, the risk for scab will increase.

The characteristic symptom of scab on wheat is a premature bleaching of a portion of the head or the entire head. Superficial mold growth, usually pink or orange in color, may be evident at the base of the diseased spikelets. Bleached spikelets are usually sterile or contain shriveled and or discolored seed.

Scab is caused by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. This fungus overwinters on host residues such as wheat stubble, corn stalks and grass residues. Spores are carried by wind currents from the residues on which they have survived to wheat heads. If environmental conditions are favorable, i.e. warm and moist, the spores germinate and invade flower parts, glumes and other portions of the spike. Scab infection occurs when favorable environmental conditions occur as the wheat crop is in the flowering to early grain fill stages.

Unfortunately, the detrimental effects of scab are not limited to its adverse effects on yield. The fungi which cause scab may also produce mycotoxins. Vomitoxin (deoxynivalenol or DON) and zearalenone may occur in wheat grain infected by scab fungi. This is a primary concern where grain is fed to non-ruminant animals. Ruminants are fairly tolerant of these two mycotoxins. Also, the fungi which cause scab may survive on the seed and can cause seedling blight and root rot problems when scabby grain is used for seed.

Crop rotation, variety selection and residue management are preventative measures for managing scab in wheat. At this point in the season the only remaining management option would the application of a fungicide to try to reduce scab levels. The fungicide table in the April 13, 2011 issue of the Integrated Pest & Crop Management Newsletter listed the fungicides labeled for the suppression of Fusarium head blight or scab. Growers should be scouting fields to get a feel for incidence and severity of scab in this year's wheat crop. Because of possible mycotoxin concerns and seed quality concerns, grain from fields with scab may require special handling. Wheat planted on corn, sorghum or wheat residue (even wheat double cropped with soybeans) has a greater risk for scab.

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REVISED: October 11, 2011