Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
University of Missouri Extension staff will scout select soybean fields in southeast Missouri for rust in 2012. These fields are in Pemiscot, New Madrid, Scott, and Dunklin Counties and will be scouted periodically from mid August to mid October. The objective is to detect soybean rust when it first starts to develop in this area so farmers can be warned about the presence of rust. Once the disease is detected, an all-out alert will be issued to farmers in the area. Rust was first found in the USA near the end of November 2004 in 11 southern states including southeast Missouri. Rust developed in Missouri five of the last eight years but never until after late September, and soybean yield loss due to this disease has not yet occurred in Missouri. Just in case, MU Extension staff will be scouting for it again in 2012. Contact Allen Wrather, wratherj@missouri.edu, for more information about this. Individuals interested in more information about rust can go to www.sbrusa.net to view a map of the USA showing areas scouted for rust and areas were rust has developed.
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REVISED: June 13, 2012