Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
The annual Pest Management Field Day will be held this July 11th at the Bradford Research and Extension Center near Columbia, Missouri. This field day will include a variety of pest management topics that are of interest to agricultural industry representatives, agrichemical dealers, Extension specialists, and producers throughout Missouri and surrounding states.
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will include guided wagon tours with stops that feature presentation of results and talks by university weed scientists, entomologists, plant pathologists, and agronomists. There will be a $10 registration fee collected at the time of check-in to cover costs associated with lunch and refreshments.
Some of the weed management research topics and trials that will be discussed at this year’s field day include: considerations for future herbicide-resistant crop offerings like dicamba-resistant, HPPD-resistant, and 2,4-D resistant soybeans; an update on the status of herbicide resistance in Missouri waterhemp populations; effective herbicide programs for killing cover crops; the effect of cover crops on winter and summer annual weed emergence; specific results and recommendations pertaining to the control of glyphosate-resistant horseweed and waterhemp; a summary of results related to drift from growth regulator herbicides on soybean; and as usual periodic stops along the guided tours to preview new herbicides and herbicide programs that will be available in 2014 and beyond.
Dr. Laura Sweets, state extension plant pathologist, will also provide an extensive update on diseases that have already appeared in 2013 and what to look out for the rest of the season. Dr. Bruce Hibbard, USDA entomologist, will discuss the problems with corn rootworm resistance to Bt corn that is showing up in parts of the Midwest.
As usual, attendees will have the opportunity to view plots that showcase a wide variety of herbicide treatments and weed management systems for use in corn, soybean, or grain sorghum on their own. Each year we have hundreds of separate weed management treatments on display at the research and extension center.
For certified crop advisors, 2 CEU credits for the field day are pending. If you plan on attending the field day, you must pre-register before July 5th by calling 573-884-7945 or by sending an e-mail to chismt@missouri.edu. The Bradford Research and Extension Center is located 7 miles east of Columbia, off of highway WW. For more complete directions call 573-884-7945 or visit http://aes.missouri.edu/bradford/index.stm.
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REVISED: June 14, 2013