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Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Integrated Pest & Crop Management


Jaime Pinero
Lincoln University
(573) 681-5522

Monitoring Systems in place for Brown-Marmorated-Stink-Bug-and-Spotted-Wing-Drosophila for 2014

Jaime Pinero
Lincoln University
(573) 681-5522

Published: May 19, 2014

The Lincoln University (LU) IPM program in partnership with the University of Missouri IPM program is coordinating a monitoring system for Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, starting in late May, 2014.

Quick Facts about Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD): SWD is a very serious new invasive pest that attacks small fruit crops, some stone fruits (cherry, nectarine, peach), and wild hosts (including pokeweed, autumn olive, crabapple, nightshade, Amur honeysuckle, and wild grape). Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and grapes are at the greatest risk. SWD flies look similar to the small vinegar flies that are typically found around or on fermenting fruits and vegetables. However, unlike those native vinegar flies, SWD females have a serrated egg-laying device (called ovipositor) to cut a slit into the skin of intact fruit to lay their eggs. This makes SWD a more significant pest.

Text Box: Thanks to a grant funded by the Missouri Department of Agriculture Specialty Crops Block Grants, traps and bait for monitoring SWD can be provided for free by contacting Dr. Jaime Pinero (573-681-5522), or Jacob Wilson (573-681-5591). For additional information, contact your nearest MU Extension office. The first adult SWD were detected by monitoring traps in Missouri in late June, 2013. By early August, infestations of blackberry fruits had already been reported. By mid August, SWD was reported infesting crops state-wide. Starting in late May, 2014, SWD monitoring traps baited with a combination of active dry yeast, sugar, and water will be deployed in at least 22 counties throughout the state (see map showing counties with trappers).

spotted wing drosophila map

Monitoring traps will be checked on a weekly basis and SWD will be identified and counted. Data will be entered on-line into a database displayed on the MU IPM Program website ( Information about the presence, distribution, and abundance of SWD s will be posted in this website and also in the LU IPM program blog ( Email alerts will then be sent to a list serve of interested people if trap counts reach significant levels. If you are interested in receiving alerts on SWD, click here:

If you would like to get information about SWD identification and monitoring guide that will be used to monitor for SWD in Missouri’s farms, click here: or at:

Another invasive insect pest that will be monitored by the LU IPM Program during 2014 is the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys. The BMSBis native to China.

Quick Facts about Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): BMSB is a voracious eater that damages fruit, vegetable, and ornamental crops in North America. BMSB infestations have spread to 41 US states and to Europe’s farm basket. Adult BMSB can live through the super-cold and snowy winter by making their own antifreeze. Beginning in late May/early June this invasive stink bug will start feeding on a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and other host plants including peaches, apples, green beans, corn, soybeans, cherry, raspberries, and pears.

The nearest large BMSB populations to Missouri were detected in western Illinois in the fall of 2013, with homeowners reporting BMSB invading homes in preparation for overwintering. Proximity to forest is a risk factor for agricultural crops. Proximity to soybeans has been a risk factor for nurseries in other states. The following website presents excellent information about BMSB:

To monitor for this species, black pyramid traps baited with pheromone lures will be deployed in late May in at least 15 farms located largely in East-Central, Central, West-Central and SW Missouri. For more information about BMSB monitoring in Missouri go to

Financial support for research and extension activities on Spotted Wing Drosophila and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug was provided by USDA-NIFA and the Missouri Department of Agriculture Specialty Crops Block Grant grants program to the LU IPM program.

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