Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
The Alliance for Grassland Renewal is a nonprofit group initially organized by MU Extension. The Alliance holds 1-day workshops to to discuss fescue toxicosis and novel endophytes. Here are the curriculum topics:
Four workshops are booked for March 28-31, 2016. Below are the details for these workshops.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Enrollment Limit = 50
For more information, contact Shirley Hudson at 918-542-4576 ext. 3 or ottawaccd@conservation.ok.gov
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Enrollment Limit = 60
For more information, contact Eldon Cole at 417-466-3102 or ColeE@missouri.edu
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Enrollment Limit = 70
For more information, contact Lena Johnson at 573-882-7327 or JohnsonLM@missouri.edu
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Enrollment Limit = 120
For more information, contact Racheal Foster-Neal at 660-895-5121 or FosterNealR@missouri.edu
More information about the workshops, including curriculum, speakers, and flyers for each location, can be found at grasslandrenewal.org/education.htm. More information about the Alliance can be found at grasslandrenewal.org.
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REVISED: February 29, 2016