Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
This brief, 20-question quiz was written by university weed scientists to:
The quiz is anonymous and correct answers will be revealed following the quiz. It is one part of the Integrated Weed Management Project funded by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service to address the challenge of herbicide-resistance weeds. Herbicide resistance issues are not going to disappear, and the costs associated with developing new types of herbicides are prohibitive in many instances. So, what does weed control look like when we think beyond herbicides and outside of the 'chemical box?'
The quiz can be found: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SD9RT6R.
For more information on the USDA project: integratedweedmanagement.org
Figure 1: A waterhemp population with resistance to six types of herbicides (modes of action) has been confirmed in Missouri.
Figure 2: Can narrow wind row burning work on waterhemp seed? A chute attached to the combine helps pile the chaff into rows for this burn study.
Figure 3: Reports of herbicide-resistant Marestail continue to increase in the state.
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REVISED: February 21, 2017