Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
No in-person field day and consequently no signed plots this year, but the research and evaluations continue. In the latest video, Senior Research Associate Brian Dintelmann gives an excellent summary that highlights some of the corn weed management research conducted at Bradford this summer. He will share results from evaluations of 1-pass and 2-pass systems in corn and cover data on a couple of new products, ShieldEx, which is a group 27 herbicide labeled for PRE and POST use (up to V6) in corn, and Acuron GT, which is a premix of Acuron and glyphosate and is anticipated to be labeled for POST use in corn in the near future. As Brian points out, at the end of the season results from these research trials will be posted on weedscience.missouri.edu.
If you have questions on the video please e-mail Brian at dintelmannb@missouri.edu and Dr. Bradley (bradleyke@missouri.edu).
Stay tuned for our next video, which we plan to upload on Friday. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Mizzou Weed Science and on Twitter @ShowMeWeeds. And find our previous virtual field day videos on YouTube:
Video 1: Evaluation Non-chemical Control Options in Soybean
Video 2: Using Drones and UAV Technology to Estimate Soybean Yield Loss Following 2,4-D or Dicamba Injury
Video 3: Evaluation of Weed Electrocution on Weeds Common to Missouri Soybean Production
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REVISED: February 19, 2021