Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Patrick E. Guinan
University of Missouri
School of Natural Resources
(573) 882-5908

Missouri Weather Update: Share Your Drought Observations

Patrick E. Guinan
University of Missouri
(573) 882-5908

July 13, 2022

minute read

The weather outlook through July 22nd is hot and dry (Figure 1). The best chances of rain over the next few days are Saturday night into Sunday and forecast models vary on predicted accumulation. There are regions in southern Missouri that have received less than an inch of rain since June 2.

colored contour map of US with mainly red and green sections

Figure 1 Forecasted air temperatures (left) and precipitation (right) through July 22nd. Map generated by NOAA - https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov

Drought Resources

The university compiled a drought information web page with a collection of electronic resources on agriculture, fire, responses, and water supply information. Resources were developed by MU Extension faculty or colleagues at other universities. Agriculture information includes many resources such as drought damaged pastures, nitrates in forage, grazing and forage restrictions for herbicide-treated corn and soybean, and more.

Reporting Drought Observations

QR code

Figure 2 Scan the QR code with your phone camera to be directed to the Drought Condition Monitoring Website.

Who knows a drought better than the person who is experiencing it? No one. Please share your drought observations with the National Drought Mitigation Center (Figure 2). These observations may be used by researchers, analysts, and decision makers to drive policies at local, state, and national levels.

Figures 3 and 4 are examples of images shared with the center through the observer reporting system and were taken in souther Missouri by MU Extension Field Specialists.

fescue pasture affected by drought

Figure 3 Field Specialist Jamie Gundel submitted this image of an Oregon County fescue pasture, which recently had cattle turned out.

cracked soil in a field

Figure 4 Field Specialist Terry Halleran demonstrates the size of cracks in the soil on his farm in Greene County.

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REVISED: July 13, 2022