Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management


Tar Spot and Fungicide Applications (6/11/24)

Mandy Bish     

Read Time 6 MIN

Tar spot is making another early appearance in the central US in 2024...learn more

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man standing in soybean field with drone hovering above

Drones and Herbicides: Are we there yet? (6/07/24)

Kevin Bradley  |  Read Time 3 MIN

UAVs in agriculture have mostly been utilized for the application of fungicides. But more recently, UAVs and herbicides have been a topic of discussion. As with everything there are advantages and disadvantages to this potential use...learn more

tractor in field with stock charts overlay

Managing New Crop Prices at Planting (5/22/24)

Ben Brown  |  Read Time 4 MIN

Global corn, soybean and wheat supply expectations have deteriorated since the Planting Intentions Report released by the United States Department of Agriculture in late March...learn more

stock graph

40 Years of Market Outlooks and Policy Analysis at the University of Missouri (5/07/24)

Ben Brown  |  Read Time 4 MIN

Producers across Missouri are aware by this point prices for grains and oilseeds have fallen from average levels experienced from 2020-2022...learn more

people on wagons in front of crop field

Save the date! Mizzou Pest Management Field Day set for July 11th (5/02/24)

Kevin Bradley  |  Read Time 2 MIN

The annual Mizzou Pest Management Field Day will be held at the Bradford Research and Extension Center...learn more

man in wheat field looking at wheat head

Wheat Scab or Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat (4/24/24)

Mandy Bish  |  Read Time 3 MIN

Management considerations of wheat scab or fusarium head blight...learn more

man taking soil sample in soybean field

Is soybean cyst nematode reducing the yield potential of your soybean? (4/05/24)

Mandy Bish  |  Read Time 4 MIN

Farmers can submit 4 soil samples for free SCN egg counts this spring...learn more

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REVISED: November 7, 2022