Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
The fungal pathogens in the genus Sclerotinia are known to cause diseases that are difficult to deal with on a wide range of crops. Lettuce is affected by two of these species, S.sclerotiorum and S.minor. Either of the two species may predominate on a given farm at a particular time. Both species may also exist in the same field as long as the prevailing weather favors them and, more importantly, based on the crop histories. S.minor is not a common problem of lettuce here in Missouri but S.sclerotiorum affects many vegetables (including lettuce) as well as grain crops such as soybeans.
On lettuce, the type of damage inflicted by these fungi has two phases depending on when it started: a) the damping-off phase which attacks the seedling stages, and b) the field phase which causes a watery soft rot of lower leaves and crown areas (Fig. 1, left). This is followed by wilting and limping, leading to an obvious symptom commonly referred as DROP. Lettuce drop caused by Sclerotinia species is known to be a serious problem of lettuce production worldwide. Both species produce black, hard, seed-like resting bodies called sclerotia (sing. sclerotium) on the lower surface of the leaves touching the soil, around the crown, and on the upper portion of the taproots. Sclerotia may survive in the soil for up to 8-10 years. Occasionally, both pathogens may also survive as active mycelium in diseased or dead lettuce plants. Sclerotia of S.minor are small (1/16 to 1/8 inch) and irregular in shape; in contrast, sclerotia of S.sclerotiorum which are larger (up to ½ to 1 inch) and are oblong to irregular and may appear similar in shape to rodent fecal pellets (Fig.1, right).
Fig. 1. Initial symptom of lettuce drop on variety ‘Rex’ (left) and sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (right) from heavily diseased high tunnel lettuce grown in Missouri.
The initial symptom of lettuce drop is wilting of the outermost layer of leaves which is usually observed as the crop approaches maturity. This symptom indicates that the crown has become infected. As infection progresses, the crown will develop a brown, soft, watery decay followed by the development of a snowy-white mycelium that eventually destroys the tissue and causes the entire plant to wilt (Figs. 2 and 3). Collapsed plants are unharvestable (Figs. 3 and 4). Typical signs of drop disease include white, fluffy, cottony mycelial growth during cool and moist weather, and the black sclerotial bodies on leaf undersides and crown area (Fig. 4). With S.minor, only the white mycelium and small black sclerotia are formed. S. sclerotiorum may also produce a mushroom-like structure called an apothecium which emerges from the sclerotia and produces ascospores. These ascospores disperse in the air and may cause infections on the tops of lettuce plants.
Fig. 2. Challenged by what is killing your lettuce? Check for the initial symptoms on the bottom leaves/crown area and keep a suspect plant in a plastic bag with a paper towel overnight to see the fluffy mycelial growth.
Fig. 3. Typical fluffy mycelium of the lettuce drop and sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum seen when the fluffy mass of an infected red oak leaf lettuce plant is removed.
Fig. 4. Contrast of healthy and lettuce drop symptomatic red and green oak leaf lettuce grown in high tunnel.
Fig. 5. Signs of the fluffy mycelium of Sclerotinia crown and stem rot on high tunnel kale grown in central Missouri.
Sclerotia, the hard bodies produced by both Sclerotinia species, allows these lettuce drop pathogens to survive in the soil. Soil moisture that is maintained at saturation for two or more weeks will lead to germination of the sclerotia of S.sclerotiorum, the fungus responsible for causing lettuce drop in Missouri. Temperatures between 59 to 71°F are optimal for the growth of S.sclerotiorum; therefore, cool, damp conditions favor pathogen growth and disease development. Lettuce is a cool season crop in Missouri. Accordingly, plantings particularly in protected systems (e.g., tunnels and greenhouses) from fall to early spring are highly susceptible to this disease.
Fig. 6. Pilot projects on the use of biofungicide Contans® WG in high-tunnels in Missouri. Left: Ms. Martha O’Connor, Extension Technician at Lincoln University Cooperative Extension, is spraying Contans® WG in a high tunnel (around the time of sunset). Middle: lettuce in a hightunnel with an estimated 25% lettuce drop incidence in April 2014. Right: the same high tunnel after two applications of Contans® WG (2 lb/A) planted with lettuce in November 2014.
Before applying ANY product, 1) read the label to be sure that the product is labeled for the crop and the disease you intend to control, 2) read and understand the safety precautions and application restrictions, and 3) make sure that the brand name product is listed in your Organic System Plan and approved by your certifier (organic growers).
Trade names in this publication are used solely for the purpose of providing specific information. Such use herein is not a guarantee or warranty of the products named and does not signify that they are approved to the exclusion of others. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement nor does it imply lack of efficacy of similar products not mentioned. Do not use any of the products unless registered for the given crop in the state.
CDMS Contans® WG label. Available at: http://www.cdms.net/ldat/ld5SH001.pdf.
Egel S. D., Foster R., Maynard E., Weinzierl R., Babadoost M., O’Malley P., Nair A., Cloyd R., Rivard C., Kennelly M., Hutchison B., Piñero J., Welty C., Doohan D., Miller S. (eds.). Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers.
Subbarao, K. V. 1997. Lettuce Drop. Pages 19-21 in: Compendium of Lettuce Diseases. R. M. Davis, K. V. Subbarao, R. N. Raid, and E. A. Kurtz, eds. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Subbarao K. V. 1998. Progress Toward Integrated Management of Lettuce Drop. Plant Disease 82: 1068-1078.
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