Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
After a freezing February and a rainy March, the spring is almost here. As another growing season approaches, people are beginning to think about gardening and getting their hands dirty.
Like people, plants get sick too and the MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic is here to help you. The clinic has been serving Missouri since 1965 and aims to help clients including county extension specialists, commercial growers, government agencies and homeowners to solve plant health problems. In addition to plant disease diagnosis, the clinic also provides services of weed and insect identification. Beginning on Feb 1, your diagnostician, Dr. Peng Tian will serve as the new director, coordinating daily operations of the laboratory, performing diagnosis and participating in training programs for agricultural stakeholders in Missouri. In addition to clinic staff, a diverse group of Plant Sciences faculty specializing in agronomy, entomology, horticulture, and plant pathology, will assist with identification of pests as needed.
The clinic is now open all year to receive samples. If you wish to drop your samples off, the drop-off time is 9AM to 4PM, Monday through Friday. The shipping address is below. We encourage you to visit our website (https://extension.missouri.edu/programs/plant-diagnostic-clinic ) and review submission guidelines before submitting your sample. If possible, you may take photos of your plants and send to plantclinic@missouri.edu.
For sample submission and fee payment, you can either:
Contact information:
University of Missouri–Plant Diagnostic Clinic
28 Mumford Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-882-3019
Email: plantclinic@missouri.edu
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REVISED: March 23, 2021