Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
Dr. Jaime Pinero started at Lincoln University this April. His position is as an IPM Specialist focused on vegetables and fruit crops. This is exciting because he will be available to be out in the field much more than MU or LU Extension has every had for horticulture in this capacity before.
Jaime is from Mexico where he received his BS in Agronomy. In 2005 Piñero earned a Ph.D. in Entomology from University of Massachusetts. He conducted two post-Doctoral projects: The first one was at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Switzerland, and the second one (2007-2010) in Hawaii, working on IPM in commercial papaya orchards. During his time in Hawaii, he actively promoted farmer's adoption of the novel detection and control tactics developed by the Hawaii Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management Program.
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REVISED: December 2, 2015