Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
Host | Diagnosis |
Green beans | Chemical injury - herbicide |
Pepper | Bacterial leaf spot* (Xanthomonas spp.) |
Rhubarb | Slug damnage |
Celery | Early blight (Cercospora spp.) |
Tomato | Chemical injury - herbicide* |
Tomato | Adventitious roots girdling* (due to high humidity) |
Tomato | Undetermined virus |
Tomato | Leaf mold* (Fulvia fulva) |
Tomato | Sooty Mold |
Tomato | Pith necrosis* |
Tomato | Nutrient deficiency |
Tomato | Bacterial canker |
Tomato | Rhizoctonia root rot |
Tomato | Pythium root rot |
Tomato | Bacterial leaf spot* (Xanthomonas spp.) |
Spaghetti squash | Fusarium stem rot |
For the month of July there were 90 samples sub-mitted to the Plant Diagnostic Clinic. Two were for plant / weed identification, 14 turfgrass disease identi-fication and the other 74 were for general plant dis-ease diagnosis. Not included are the countless num-ber of emails, phone calls and walk-ins that trickle or flood in each day. Overall, it has been a steady month with some days busier than others.
The weather has been variable, or perhaps crazy is a better word to describe it. This is the first year I remember wearing a long sleeve shirt on the 4th of July! The cooler weather, especially the low night temperatures, are taking a toll on tomatoes and cu-curbits. Both of these crops like warm temperatures. Cool weather can cause flowers to be aborted and / or poor fruit set and development. Cool tempera-tures coupled with moist conditions in early July also favored powdery mildew, for an early start on pump-kins usually not seen much until late summer.
The table has a list of diseases or issues for vegetables that have been diagnosed for the month of July. Some of the issues we have seen repeatedly, they are marked with an *.
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REVISED: November 23, 2015