Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management
Webster County Produce Auction opened for business this spring. It operated on Fridays through May, Tuesdays and Fridays June through September, and Fridays through the end of October. Auction start time is 10 a.m.
Where: From eastbound on U.S. Highway 60 from Springfield, take Short Road/Killdeer Road median crossover (at west Seymour city limit sign), turn north, then go back westbound on U.S. 60, 0.3 mile to Berry Road (at Schrable Fertilizer), then north 0.8 mile to auction barn at 801 Berry Road.
From west Business 60 exit at Seymour (near McDonald's restaurant) go west on U.S. Highway 60 about 2.1 miles to Berry Road (at Schrable Fertilizer), then go north 0.8 mile to auction barn at 801 Berry Road.
Contact: Bob Crump, auctioneer, P.O. Box 575, Seymour, MO 65746. Phone 417-935-4039 or 417-464-4040 or email becrump@centurytel.net.
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REVISED: November 23, 2015