Missouri Pest Monitoring Network
Corn Earworm

Corn Earworm, Helicoverpa zea Boddie, emerge in April and are later joined by migratory moths in June. Corn earworm larvae usually feed at the ear tip. When disturbed they will either fight or curl into a C-shape.
More Information ..

Corn Earworm in Missouri in Missouri (G7110)
MU Extension
Caterpillars in your Garden & Yard (IPM1019)
MU Extension
Corn Insect Pests: a diagnostic guide (M166)
MU Extension
Newsletter Articles for Corn Earworm
Missouri Pest Monitoring Network (06/03/22)
Will 2010 Problems with Corn Earworm in Soybean Lead to 2011 Problems (10/19/10)
Corn Earworm (Soybean Podworm) in Soybean (09/13/10)