Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management

Missouri Produce Growers

Produce Safety and Pesticide Safety Update (5/20/24)

Londa Nwadike     

Read Time 5 MIN

The safety of the produce you grow, as well as the safety of those who grow the produce is always important. University of Missouri (MU) Extension is happy to help produce growers with both of these areas...learn more

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tomato roots with light colored growths

Nematodes in Tomatoes (5/10/24)

Mandy Bish  |  Read Time 2 MIN

The University of Missouri SCN Diagnostic Clinic works with farmers to identify nematodes that feed on plants....learn more

close ups of tomato stem interior

Timber Rot of Tomato (8/01/23)

David Trinklein  |  Read Time 3 MIN

Timber rot is a sporadic but devastating disease of tomato that can cause significant plant and yield loss if cool weather and high humidity prevail for a long duration....learn more

photo montage with hands with rubber gloves holding a head of lettuce and a person in a plastic suit spraying in a green house

Produce Safety and Pesticide Safety Update (7/31/23)

Londa Nwadike  |  Read Time 5 MIN

The safety of the produce you grow, as well as the safety of those who grow the produce is always important. University of Missouri (MU) Extension is happy to help produce growers with both of these areas...learn more

lavendar field

Growing Lavender in Missouri (7/11/23)

Kelly McGowan  |  Read Time 3 MIN

Lavender can be a viable crop for Missouri, but can also have some challenges. 2023 is the third year of lavender research being conducted by specialists from University of Missouri Extension...learn more

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REVISED: March 9, 2022