Taking an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management

Missouri Produce Growers

Tomato spotted wilt virus is a challege to manage. In high tunnels, TSWV is vectored by a problematic insect called thrips. Their populations can explode quickly in as little as 2-3 weeks. There is no cure for TSWV, so the best thing to do is prevent infection...learn more

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calculator in crop field

Using Enterprise Budgets to Make Informed Decisions (10/22/24)

Ryan Milhollin  |  Read Time 4 MIN

As the production season on horticulture farms starts to slow later this year, it is a good time to reflect on the growing season. What should my farm do in 2025 to be more profitable? Enterprise budgets are one method of evaluating individual enterprises (or crops) within a farm business...learn more

water testing equipment

FDA Finalizes the Pre-harvest Water Rule! What Does it Mean for Produce Growers? (10/21/24)

Juan Cabrera-Garcia  |  Read Time 7 MIN

Earlier this year the FDA issued a final rule related to the pre-harvest agricultural water requirements for covered produce stipulated in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule...learn more

filde of squash

Tales from the Field: Phytophthora (10/02/24)

Kate Kammler  |  Read Time 3 MIN

Phytophthora can infect all cucurbits including pumpkins, squash, melons, cucumber, as well as beans and solanaceous crops like peppers, tomatoes, eggplants...learn more

person in PPE gear spraying crop

Produce Safety and Pesticide Safety Update (5/20/24)

Londa Nwadike  |  Read Time 5 MIN

The safety of the produce you grow, as well as the safety of those who grow the produce is always important. University of Missouri (MU) Extension is happy to help produce growers with both of these areas...learn more

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REVISED: March 9, 2022